Saturday, August 2, 2014

VPC creation in Tokyo region failing for ap-northeast-1a zone

I was trying to create a VPC with public private subnets and VPC creation was failing because I had selected availability zone of the public subnet to "ap-northeast-1a". The error message something like below:-

I got the below message from Amazon technical support regarding the above error:-

"VPC Creation Failed:
There was an error creating your VPC: Value (ap-northeast-1a) for parameter availabilityZone is invalid. Subnets can currently only be created in the following availability zones ap-northeast-1c, ap-northeast-1b." I researched this issue and it appears that that AZ is at capacity and all new creations in this AZ will not succeed. Currently only the two AZ's noted in the error above are able to create new subnets in. ap-northeast-1c, ap-northeast-1b. As explained on the call each AZ (A, B, C) for each customers' account can vary to which data center they map to. This means that while Customer X cannot create subnets in AZ A, Customer Y may be able to if his AZ A maps to a different data center, but will be unable to create subnets in AZ B if it maps to the same datacenter as customer X's AZ A. I do agree that it is very inconvenient to be presented with an option that is not able to be used. I am going to reach out to the console team that only AZs that are able to have subnets created in them, be presented in the subnet Wizard. I also was unable to find documentation explaining this. Since I firmly believe that explanations should be available for this without contacting support, I am going to reach out to our documentation team to create a document explaining why these situations arise. Unfortunately since both of the above are feature request, I cannot comment on if or when these changes will be implemented due to internal regulations."


  1. Thank you for sharing this. Since your post appears in Google search results before an official explanation from Amazon, I guess they never got around to that feature request.

    Apart from waiting for a VPC creation to fail, is there any way to determine whether an AZ supports VPC creation?

    1. Currently, there is no way to determine which zone will fail due to service capacity being reached or a particular service not being available.
